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Meditation survey results

Real results from real people

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Overwhelmingly positive results from meditators after their first three months in our program. 473 members were surveyed.

What People Shared on Google

 Life Balance with Meditation

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Eternal life with a true mind & body in the existent world of Truth

Take action with your true mind to live your true life

Discover the Truth which exist within you

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Happy and Healthy

" People are unable to live in the present moment because of the countless thoughts within themselves. All of these thoughts are either about the past, which is nothing but a nonexistent mind, or about the future, which also does not exist. All of these countless thoughts are nonexistent. 

When you discard these thoughts and become real and true, there is only this present moment. You will then be realistic and efficient in what you do, which will enable you to also live well in the future. If you work hard now and create results, you will reap tomorrow what you sow today. "

Woo Myung. How to Have a Meeting with God, Buddha, Allah (p. 206). Cham Books. 


Join Now! We are waiting for you!

Backed By Science

Practical research of meditation's benefits

Meditation has many amazing benefits, including reducing feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. This leads to increased feelings of happiness and well-being, which results in an all-around improved quality of life. 


But did you know meditation actually affects us on a cellular level?

Check out the videos below to find out how meditation connects

to epigenetics and how it can lengthen our telomeres.


Meditation And Epigenetics Part 1 I Dr. Ejaz

Meditation And Epigenetics Part 2  I Dr. Ejaz

Meditation And Epigenetics Part 3 I Dr. Ejaz

Medical Disclaimer: The contents of these videos are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a patient/physician relationship. We do not intend this information to be formal medical advice or as a substitute for a consultation with your physician or healthcare provider.

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